Short-Term U.S. Training in Pediatric AIDS
Young Mexican pediatricians and infectious disease specialists with an interest in pediatric AIDS, or new responsibilities for HIV-infected children, will apply for short-term (usually two weeks) training in pediatric AIDS at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital. The staff of Hospital Infantil and Mexican Bristol-Myers Squibb representatives will assist in the identification of suitable candidates for this part of the program. Selection of trainees will be made by the program's Steering Committee. Approximately eight awards will be made annually.
The curriculum for the short-term training program includes a formal series of lectures and case discussions pertaining to pediatric AIDS (clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and treatment of opportunistic illnesses, neurodevelopmental sequelae, and nutritional aspects), as well as participation in pediatric AIDS outpatient and inpatient clinical activities. Trainees spend time with a clinical nutritionist who specializes in the assessment and management of HIV-infected children. Trainees are provided with educational materials suitable for use in presentations they are expected to give after their return to Mexico (pediatric starter kit, syllabus, slide set). Short-term training is modeled after that BIPAI currently offers its own senior pediatric residents and Romanian physicians who are identified through the existing Romanian-American program. Approximately eight such trainees pass through the program annually.
The program absorbs the costs of trainee travel and living expenses. Texas Children's Hospital maintains housing for visiting physicians.