Tuesday, September 4, 2001

Primer on Pill Swallowing

1. Introduction

2.Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

3. Characteristics of the Trainer

4. Setting for Learning to Swallow Pills

5. Teaching the Child

6. When to Terminate the Trial

7. Relapse Prevention




3. Characteristics of the Trainer

The trainer must be able to maintain emotional neutrality. Parents and health care providers with a close relationship to the child are not likely to be good trainers.

The trainer must not be seen as an authority figure by the child or have an authoritarian style. Authority figures may make the child anxious and anxiety can make the act of swallowing difficult. Coercive strategies are ultimately counterproductive because the child needs to be fully cooperative to learn this skill.


Copyright © 2001
Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative
All rights reserved